What's up in the world of Steely Joe

adventures in photography and other stuff

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Food Portraits

This week I did a portrait shoot for finger food from Leslie’s Catering. It made me realize that I could not be one of those photographers that makes their living shooting food. It has nothing to do with ability, it has to do with me wanting to eat the subject of the photograph (as a rule of thumb, eating the subject is usually discouraged, as it will ruin the shot). I would also be very fat, because even though I can controll myself and not eat my clients’ food, I would have to go get something to eat afterwards!

I met Leslie through PWN (professional women’s networking) – if you are a female with a business that would benefit from a little person-to-person publicity, you should check it out! Although I have dabbled in taking pictures of food at wedding receptions (as a wedding photographer, if you can’t get some good cake pictures, you are in trouble!), this is the first time a did a session just for food. I met up with Leslie at a luncheon she was catering, and I did a very quick shoot when the buffet was set out.

Real food from Leslies Catering - not fake food that was set up just for pictures! mmm...looks good.

Real food from Leslies Catering - not fake food that was set up just for pictures! mmm...looks good.

By the way, if  these pictures are making you hungry, you can find out more about her affordable, friendly catering at www.lesliescatering.com.

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Amanda and Scott’s wedding

This weekend I went to Elm Springs to cover Amanda and Scott’s wedding. I got to do their engagement portraits this spring, and it is always easier if you have been able to work with a couple before the wedding. It makes everyone a little more relaxed on the day of the wedding. The ceremony was in the newer sanctuary at Elm Springs United Methodist. But the old brick building which sits on the same lot has a very charming exterior, so that’s where we decided to do the bride and groom portraits.

One of the archways at the old church. I like how the archway and the light coming in from behind frames the couple.

One of the archways at the old church. I like how the archway and the light coming in from behind frames the couple.

Scott tries his hand at being a photographer during Amanda's bridal portraits.

Scott tries his hand at being a photographer during Amanda's bridal portraits.

The image below was the last one I took before I left. I was actually walking towards the exit with an arm-full of camera gear and saw the bride walking down the hallway to go change out of her dress. Luckily the camera was still around my neck so I held the camera up one-handed and took the shot.

the last shot of the day

the last shot of the day

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Rachel and Granville’s Wedding

Rachel and Granville were married at the Botanical Garden of the Ozarks May 30th. The weather was nice, if not a little on the warm side for May – but at least it wasn’t raining! There is very little shade anywhere in the garden in the middle of the day, but we managed to find a few nice shady spots for taking pictures. It was a pretty wedding and the botanical garden is starting to look very good now that it is in its second year.

Here are my customary teaser images while I finish going through the pictures:

I like the height difference between the last groomsman and the ringbearer, who is really concentrating on walking in step!

I like the height difference between the last groomsman and the ringbearer, who is really concentrating on walking in step!

The nice thing about the arbor used for wedding is that you can walk aorund the back or side to take pictures. Usually you can't really see the couple's face from the audience during the candle lighting.

The nice thing about the arbor used for weddings is that you can walk around the back or side to take pictures. Usually you can't really see the couple's face from the audience during the candle lighting ceremony.

The silver streamer-poppers that were given to the guests looked great for pictures!

The silver streamer-poppers that were given to the guests looked great for pictures!

I also have to brag on my hubby a little. Ed comes with me for the larger wedding shoots and is really helpful. When he is not hauling gear, holding reflectors, etc, he take pictures. He gets some good candid shots, and I am especially proud of this one:

group hug!

group hug!